Permissions Time Machine Lite

Permissions Time Machine Lite
版本: 2.3.1 更新
上傳日期: 31 Mar 17
開發: AMYD Projects
許可: 免費
人氣: 1974
尺寸: 1856 Kb

Rating: 3.5/5 (Total Votes: 8)

特點:支持Windows(x64)位系統。您可以選擇多個帳戶[用戶 - 組。您可以指定所選對象的所有權。重置或恢復訪問權限一鍵還原訪問任何用戶帳戶或組。您可以通過啟用合併模式編輯或添加多個用戶和組。您可以指定每個組或用戶特定的權限。用戶可以選擇還原所有權限或特殊您可以從對象複製權限到另一個。您可以恢復默認訪問權限選擇分區 - 文件夾 - 文件 - 註冊表項 - Windows服務 - Windows打印機 - 系統進程 - WMI對象。您可以還原或更改文件夾的權限 - 文件 - 服務 - 網絡中任何遠程計算機上的打印機。您可以在遠程計算機中獲取所有Windows服務和打印機。可以更新權限時間機器容易。您可以導出更改日誌。您可以通過一鍵點擊來更改任何所選對象的所有權。您可以清除存在對象權限並應用新的權限。通過一鍵恢復所有Windows服務的權限。將所有Windows打印機的權限恢復一鍵。



  • 更新資源

  • 修正報告錯誤
  • 修復更新錯誤
  • 提高穩定性


  • 修復更新錯誤
  • 提高穩定性


  • 錯誤修正
  • 修復PTM Lite在Windows XP SP3
  • 中無法正常工作
  • 支持Windows 10


    修復錯誤(Permissions Time Machine Lite可能會在文件夾或分區訪問被拒絕時返回錯誤消息 - >“僅限文件夾”)


  • 添加:更改對象所有權的能力
  • 註冊表 - 添加以兩種不同方式應用新權限的能力(1-此鍵僅此鍵和子鍵)
  • 添加:能夠從對像中刪除所有權限

  • 修正:改進(文件系統文件 - 註冊表共享 - 進程 - 服務 - 打印機)的重置操作版中的新功能










27 Apr 17

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Tweak Me

4 May 15

Actual Booster
Actual Booster

15 Apr 15

顯影劑的其他軟件 AMYD Projects

意見 Permissions Time Machine Lite

2 註釋
  • Mr. Mustache 14 Feb 17
    Hi!... the ensuing is for Adham Mohamed Dahab, of AMYD!:... but, as I can't-- technically!-- send him a message through his AMYD window, I'm leaving such here, for redirection to Adham! And so!... please provide him with my IP address! Thanks!
    It's Mr. Mustache here, Adham!... sorry, but I couldn't get your Permissions Time Machine Studio to work! In fact!... I cannot now even delete the Studio from my PC and Start Menu!... as Access has been denied!
    To cut to the chase, I recently denied Permissions to my Guest Account... not wanting to use it any further, and not wanting anyone else to use it!... and, resultantly, found that my C: drive indicated "0 bytes", and, that I could no longer access Security options within the C: drive, nor use W7 features on my Acer One D255E! Receiving, instead... "Can't open access control editor. Access is denied."
    In my own defense, I can't understand why denying privileges to my Guest Account should disrupt my main Administrator Account, and, the second Admin Account I created through CMD.exe (i.e., through, Net User Administrator /active:yes) to overcome the dysfunction of my main Account! After all, it's a Guest Account!... i.e., the last object within the initial Security screen under C: was suffixed as such (although, I mused to myself after the fact, why there didn't appear to be a separate listing for the User Admin under Security!... as is denoted-- e.g.!-- within Advanced, under Security, when one is effecting a change to Ownership, etc.!)! And!... there was no indication from W7 that denying it its privileges would nearly turn my PC into a brick!
    And further, if the problem stems from my wrongly reading the suffix of the object as the definitive description of what the object actually was!... and the object was actually inclusive of BOTH the categories of Admin AND Guest... then the problem-- in my view!-- was a failure on MS' part to SEPARATE OUT the "User Admin" component, from that of the "User Guest" component! And inasmuch, as User Admin and Guest are drawn up within Advanced under Security in C:, AS SEPARATE OBJECTS!
    Nevertheless, the deed done, I began looking around the Net for a solution to the problem!... and subsequently, I happened upon a site referencing your, "Permissions Time Machine Studio"!
    To sum up, Adham... I don't think it's fair that W7 has allowed me-- and others!-- to deny privileges to one's Guest Account; and thereby, suffer the fallout from such a decision! And on top of that, there's no built_in "Undo procedure" within the Security Tab of C: drive, that a User could invoke immediately after hitting "OK", or invoking some time later to correct evidenced problems!
    To sum up, Adham, hopefully you've got my IP address! And you're free to examine my C: drive, to determine the extent of the damage! Thanks for your time!... and for your conscionable and gracious efforts!
    Please!... no emails!
  • Md Abdur Rahim 28 Jul 22